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Home - People-Powered PetitionsMoveOn s petitions platform provides individuals and organizations with free tools to start petitions, organize supporters, engage decision-makers, and win their own grassroots campaigns
Get Involved | OxfamWe believe in the power of people to fight inequality to end poverty and injustice.
Get Involved | OxfamWe believe in the power of people to fight inequality to end poverty and injustice.
Badger Trust: Report Badgers, Stop Badger Cull, Prevent Badger Crime iBadger Trust exists to enhance the welfare, conservation and protection of badgers, badger setts, and badger habitats.
Written Off? | Ambitious about AutismOur campaign that tackles problems that autistic children and young people face in the SEND system.
Tas Home - The Australian Workers Union : The Australian Workers UniThe AWU the oldest and longest-running trade union in Australia. We represent workers across a huge number of industries and fight for your rights at work.
WA Home - The Australian Workers Union : The Australian Workers UnioThe AWU the oldest and longest-running trade union in Australia. We represent workers across a huge number of industries and fight for your rights at work.
The Australian Workers Union : The Australian Workers UnionThe AWU the oldest and longest-running trade union in Australia. We represent workers across a huge number of industries and fight for your rights at work.
BlueOregon: progressive politics, news, and commentary for OregonBlueOregon will be the water cooler around which Oregon progressives will gather. A place for news and original commentary.
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